2025 ABMA Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting is where the boiler industry comes together!

The 2025 Annual Meeting occurred January 17-20 at the stunning JW Marriott Plant Riverside District in Savannah, GA. Members learned about current & emerging industry trends and had networking opportunities to enhance and grow their business relationships. 

ABMA’s 2025 Annual Meeting included impactful keynote speakers and boiler presentations that offered insights to bring back to their company.

Sheryl Connelly, Leading Futurist and Global Consumer Trends Expert, presented as the Keynote Speaker at the Friday Opening General Session sponsored by Atlas Copco and Victory Energy.

Connor Lokar, Economist with ITR Economics, presented a 2025 economic forecast to prepare our members for the year ahead and Rick Lazio, former US Congressman & Senior Vice President of alliantgroup, "Perspective on the New Administration: Expectations for Future Policies” as the keynote speakers at the Monday Closing General Session sponsored by Applied Heat Recovery and Warren Environment.

Boiler-Focused Content Highlights Included: 

    • “Hydrogen Supply and Use Strategies to Enable Industrial
      Decarbonization” Timothy Lebrecht, Air Products & Paul Ingham, Thermogenics
    • “Global Production of Thermal Energy in the Age of Decarbonization” Gregg Achtenhagen, Cleaver-Brooks
    • “Trends & Challenges in Rental Sector: Panel Discussion”- Steve Taylor, WARE; Jim Lieskovan, Nationwide Boiler; Michael Pfeiler, Wabash Power
    • “Workforce Development Opportunities in Military Community”- Chuck Hodges Jr., Hire Our Heroes
  • BURNER GROUP PRESENTATION - Sponsored by Power Flame
    • “Overview of Hydrogen Blending Certification for Boilers”- Travis Hardin, UL Solutions
    • “Ownership Transition: Finding the Right Path”- Chase Hoover, Acuity Advisors & Jim MacDonald, RF MacDonald
    • “How Effective Boiler Training Creates Lasting Customers”- Jonathan Kapel, STEAMWORKS
    • “AI in Manufacturing: Identifying Strategy & Creating Adoption”- Chris Stephenson, alliantgroup

It wouldn’t be an ABMA Meeting without excellent networking opportunities, enjoyable social activities, and a little bit of fun!

ABMA welcomed attendees on Friday, January 17th, with an evening Welcome Reception sponsored by NBBI, featuring a live music concert in the JW Marriott's District Live concert venue. We had a rockin' good time!


On Saturday, ABMA created a unique and intimate networking experience with the Dine Around Savannah Networking Dinner. Members and guests were invited to join us for a memorable evening of private dining at one of Savannah's top restaurants. 

Sunday morning included the Spouse/Guest Program, sponsored by Industrial Steam and Nationwide Boiler featuring a delicious breakfast buffet and Old Town Trolley Tour of Savannah. Guests were able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the history of Georgia's First City.

Sunday also featured ABMA's first WIBI Fast-Track Networking Luncheon, sponsored in part by Groupe Simoneau and Burnham Commercial, where we brought together women in the boiler industry for a high-energy, speed networking experience. Attendees connected one-on-one, sharing insights, mentorship, and opportunities to collaborate. This event highlighted ABMA’s commitment to empowering women and fostering strong industry relationships.  

On Monday, the ABMA Golf Tournament, sponsored in part by Miura America and Preferred Utilities MFG, teed off at The Club at Savannah Harbor, offering a scenic and challenging course while supporting the Randy Rawson Scholarship Fund. Participants enjoyed a great afternoon of golf, networking, and friendly competition in Georgia’s beautiful Low Country. 

The Monday Closing Reception – Masquerade Ball, sponsored by Frederick Cowan Products by ICI, was a dazzling finale to the ABMA Annual Meeting, featuring a Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil theme. Attendees donned elegant gowns, suits, and masks for an unforgettable night of mystery, music, and celebration. A perfect way to close out an incredible event!


Thank you to all who attended and to the ABMA Staff.

We look forward to seeing you in June at the 2025 Summer Meeting at the Bakers Cay Resort in Key Largo, Florida!

Top 5 Reasons to Attend the ABMA Annual Meeting

  1. Making connections is smart business strategy. No matter how connected we are online, face-to-face interaction yields stronger relationships, which correlate to more sales and competitive business advantages. 
  2. Get ahead by staying ahead. Be among the first to know about industry changes, advancements and forecasts.
  3. Who wants to reinvent the wheel? Learning from and collaborating with others is what the most successful business leaders do regularly. 
  4. Get what you pay for. Membership meetings are part of your ABMA membership benefits – take advantage and your company will reap the rewards. 
  5. Downtime is good for you and your business. Studies show that taking time to “recharge” actually increases productivity. 

For questions about meetings, please contact ABMA at [email protected].